Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Law of Form

Let the mark, marked value and marked state be represented by a pair of square brackets

[ ]

and the unmarked by none.

Thus LoF's Chapter 1's Axiom 1, "The Law of Calling"; Chapter 2's "form of condensation"; and Chapter 3's primary calculus' primitive equation and Chapter 4's primary arithmetic's Initial 1, "Number", are all represented by

[ ] [ ] = [ ]

while Chapter 1's Axiom 2, "The Law of Crossing"; Chapter 2's "form of cancellation"; and Chapter 3's primary calculus' primitive equation and Chapter 4's prmary arithmetic's Initial 2, "Order", are all represented by

[ [ ] ] = 

Now let M stand for the mark, marked value and marked state

M = [ ]

and N for the unmarked

N = 


MN = M

This is used as part of Chapter 4, Sixth Canon, "Rule of Dominance" (the canon itself used as lemma to Theorem 3, "Agreement"), and is one of the two primary arithmetic possibilities of Chapter 6's primary algebraic Consequence 3, "Integration".

But it seems a definite, profound and beautiful law by itself, one at least as primitive and fundamental as the laws of calling and crossing:

Call it the law of form.

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